Each state has its own method of selecting athletes to participate in the Mid-East Cross Country Championships as determined by that state's cross country coaches association. 

The Mid-East organizing committee only requires that every participant be a high school senior. For instance, Michigan conducts a qualifying run-off the week after its state meet and one week before the Mid-East Cross Country Championships. For information on qualification and selection, please contact your state's head coach for more information. 

Here are the most recent state coaches & e-mail addresses:

Indiana: Paige Brunner; email: paigebr@ohusc.k12.in.us

Michigan: George & Mallory Drown; email: drowng@freelandschools.net mallory.drown@dow.com

Ohio (girls):  Olivia Scott: email: scotto@minerva.sparcc.org

Ohio (boys): Amy Tooms; email: atooms@eastmschools.org

Ohio Asst. TBD